Call for contributions


The European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) is holding its bi-yearly conference from 22 to 25 May 2024 in the building of the faculty of psychology and educational sciences (Henri Dunantlaan, 2) Ghent, Belgium. It is hosted by the local organizing committee. 

There will be three kinds of submissions: Symposia, Tutorials and Single presentations.

Symposia: They are a formal gathering where multiple experts present and discuss their research findings on a specific topic or related topics. It often includes a moderated discussion, allowing for interaction between the presenters and the audience. 

Tutorials: They are sessions dedicated to in-depth instruction on a specific topic or technique, often led by an expert in the field. Attendees learn through detailed explanations, demonstrations, and sometimes hands-on practice.

Single presentations: Single presentations can be in the form of individual talks or poster presentations. Submissions can indicate a preference for either a talk or a poster. However, we cannot guarantee that your preference will be accommodated, as it will also depend on other submissions.

Please don’t forget to check the key dates for the submissions! Deadlines for symposia, tutorials and the Young Investigator Award have been extended up to November 27th!

ESCAN 2024 will feature symposia held during the main conference on May 23-25. Symposia will last 90 minutes and will be composed of 3, 4 or 5 speakers. Abstract submission must be completed online only via our website. Abstracts sent by email, mail or fax can’t and will not be accepted. The abstract should be submitted in English only.

Must be submitted the following elements:

1. TITLE: The title should not exceed 20 words and should not contain abbreviations.

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A general description of the symposium of max 100 words

3. KEYWORDS: Please include between 3 and 5 relevant keywords

4. INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATIONS: All the speakers must be listed in the order of the presentation, including a title of their individual presentations (20 words max) and an abstract of max 250 words.

5. STRUCTURE: The structure of the symposium (e.g., how many speakers, how long each single presentation will last, if there is room for a discussion, etc.)

6. DIVERSITY: A max 100-word paragraph explaining how you tried to encourage diversity in your symposium (e.g., of the speakers; of the populations presented; etc.)

ESCAN 2024 will feature tutorials held in the morning and afternoon of May 22d, 2024. Each tutorial will last either 1h30 or 3 hours with a short break in the middle, and will include between 1 and 3 speakers. Registration to each tutorial will be mandatory and places will be limited. The tutorials can be various (e.g., technical workshops on specific EEG processing or statistical analyses; theoretical workshops on specific theories and topics; general workshops on career or diversity in academia).

Abstract submission must be completed online only via your website. Abstracts sent by email, mail or fax can’t and will not be accepted. The abstract should be submitted in English only.

Must be submitted the following elements:

1. TITLE: The title should not exceed 20 words and should not contain abbreviations.

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A general description of the tutorial of max 350 words

3. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Please include the number of people who can attend the workshops if there is a maximum.

4. STRUCTURE: The structure of the tutorial (e.g., how many speakers, how long each single presentation will last, if there is room for a discussion or practical exercises, if some material or software are required for the attendees to participate, etc.)

5. RELEVANCE: A max 100-word paragraph explaining the relevance of your tutorial for the ESCAN conference.

ESCAN 2024 will feature many single presentations, as poster or individual talks, held during the main conference on May 23-25, as follows. Each oral presentation will last a maximum of 15 minutes followed by 3 minutes of questions and will include a single speaker. Poster presentation will last 2h and will include a single presenter. All posters should be in portrait format and size A0 (1189 mm high and 841 mm wide).

Abstract submission must be completed online only via our website. Abstracts sent by email, mail or fax can’t and will not be accepted. The abstract should be submitted in English only.

Must be submitted the following elements:

1. TITLE: The title should not exceed 20 words and should not contain abbreviations.

2.   PREFERENCE: Indicate if you wish to do an oral presentation; a poster presentation; any of the two. You don’t need to submit abstracts twice, your contribution will be anyway considered.

3. KEYWORDS: Please include between 3 and 5 relevant keywords. 

4. ABSTRACT:  The abstract will have a length of max 250 words. Abbreviations can be used in an abstract body, if they are defined at first usage. The structure of the abstract is composed of:

a. A short introduction indicating the rationale of the study.

b. A brief description of pertinent methodological procedures including a summary of the results of the research.

c. A statement of the main conclusions.

Abstract presentations of planned research projects are also welcome.

Abstract submission


If the first author wishes to withdraw the abstract from ESCAN 2024 after outcome notifications have been made available, he/she must submit a written request at the latest for May 1st 2024 to Any abstract withdrawal requests made after this date cannot be assured of removal from the ESCAN 2024 Conference  Book.


All accepted abstracts will be published online only in the ESCAN 2024 Conference Book.

All submitted Abstracts/Symposia/Tutorials will be sent to the scientific committee of ESCAN 2024. Each abstract will be reviewed and scored by independent reviewers. The scores will then be submitted to the members of the Scientific Committee, who will determine which abstracts are accepted and for which format.

Notification & Registration

First author or co-author indicated as presenting author should complete their registration to the conference.

If your full registration has not been received by May 1st 2024, your abstract/poster will not be considered. As the program develops, sessions may change, and your proposal may be placed in a different session. Please bear this in mind when making your conference planning.